Philippine President 2010 - Noynoy Aquino

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Congratulations to our new President, son of Cory and Ninoy Aquino. The new electronic voting system is indeed a success. We are hoping and looking forward to a big chance in our country.

Philippines election day

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Its election day at last, time to decide whose the best and whose not, im still trying to think of who to vote for the presidential position as i have two bet whether its the one who already have good name and came from a good reputation family back ground. I'm thinking that perhaps he will not going to do bad things to ruin what his parents started so im sure he will not going to be a corrupt president, but can he really take care the needs of his countrymen. Having a good name is not enough to be in the position but his capacity of what else he can do once his into position.

Theres another one who used his experience being from a poor family and become successful out from his own hard work, but i just got turned off for the fact that he spend a lot of money for his candidacy specially with his ads, and like what other people says, he might going to take back the money he spent during election once he won the position. And also for the fact the they tried to ruin other political party just to let people know that they are more clean than the others. Some kind of a dirty games actually and the dirt is within them.

To bad coz some was not able to vote with the new system, as once you rejected with your first try then theres no second chance and your vote will just turned into trash.
 They supposed to atleast give them a second chance since its just the first time they implement the use of the new voting machine.

Anyway, whatever i choose to vote today, i just wish that whoever win whether its my bet or not, what matter is that person can do good for my country than make it more worst.

Avoid being scam

Friday, May 7, 2010

Theres too many scam site around the internet though its not easy to predict, too many promises and too many promotion to encourage their members, Most of them are PTC as they are like mushrooms now a days then after few months you will just surprised to found out that the site is no longer paying,most ot their excuses is that theres someone who hacked their account and etc.

Though at first they will give out a lot of promotion to encourage members to upgrade and rent referrals, oh well, if they have thousand of members and if they upgrade to 60 or 90 dollars per members then can you imagine how much they earned from them just for the upgrade alone. It will be easy for them to closed that PTC site and create another one and encourage members again to upgrade. Its just like getting in circle over and over again.

At first, they will pay its members pretending to be fine, trying to be active, helping its members then once they got you then you will be sorry as you cant do anything with your money, besides we dont know them anyway so its easy for them to just go.

Another thing is that, there might be legit and really stay but referrals sucks... Its like you rent a hundred now but only 10 referrals are active so you keep on recycling the rest. you will not realize it coz your earning everyday but if you could only compute it the whole month then your earnings from them will not even enough to recycle and extend the referrals for another month and in return theres nothing left to you, its just like your just trying to be active to help the owner of the site to earn.

PTC was good before but its just a history now a days, no good at all. They might be legit now but count for few months and they will be gone or the referrals will become a bott. You can only count from them if you have a lot of direct referrals as theres no need for you to invest.

May 10, 2010 election day

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 10, 2010 is another day for choosing the best leader for my country, Philippines. though i know there's nothing new no matter who i will going to vote with. A lot of candidate make promises today and regret it the next day.

Since its just few days before election, all candidate are now out to make a house to house visit, i came to laugh at it as they have guts to step down and make handshake in house to house visit while they are still running but you cant even see them once they are already in the position. i hate the fact that early in the morning they make noise in our community while everyone is still sleeping and another group will come in the afternoon while everyone is also having their afternoon nap, and yet they will all make the same promises....

How funny.

Another thing is that some of them will secretly give you 1 kilo of rice and a can of mackerel as if we are starving, do they do it before when my country hit by typhoon ondoy? i guess yes, coz its good catch for their candidacy. Some gave us a yearly planner and funny because inside of it are their promises and on day 10 of may they put their name in it, looks like their trying to tell us to vote for them.

I wonder what will happened a month after election, are they still active or they will just going to sit in their high chair afraid of going out under the sun. What a life.

Another thing is i received a lot of messages in my phone trying to ruined another candidate, like that said candidate is like this and like that. They dont even think that voters are now smart enough to figure out what is true and what is not and who want to ruined someone.

I received one telling me that the number one candidate in the survey was having heart attacked while inside his car and that his not physically fit to do the job as president. I'm not that stupid to believe them anyway, trying to back fight another one in order to win.

As for me, i will vote whoever i want to vote and not because of what i heard and saw specially with their ads or not because they tried to give us something for help.

Help? huh! help their face... I might believe it if they do that while theres no election at all.

neobux click to earned

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We all want to earn extra income online and there's many ways out there, though some are legit while others are scam. I've been scam for many times now but it doesn't stop me as i know its part of online investment. What matter is i learned from them. Neobux is a legit  PTC or paid to click site where your job is to click the ads they offer.

Standard members: you will earn $.01 with your click and $.005 per referrals click
Golden members: you will earn $.01 with your own click and same as your referrals click.

In PTC, you will earn a lot if from your referrals so if you dont have much direct referrals then you can have an option to rent.

For example: if your a golden member and rented 100 referrals for $20 dollars, you can earn $1 or more a day and once you reach payout after 4 days, you can then request for your payout via Paypal. or alertpay. Payout will start at $2 and maximum is $10.

Here's my latest payout(click image for better view)

mylot post to earned

Monday, April 19, 2010

If your one of those who love to join forum and discussion to earn extra income then mylot is best for you. You can post  your own topic or join other member's discussions. The money you earn will be based on the number and quality of post you made for that day so avoid a one liner response.

You will see your earnings the next day or the other day and if your not satisfied with your earnings that day then try to double your work the next day. Your earnings will serves as your guide on how much you will earn for the day.  There's no limit on how much you can earn for the day though monthly limit is $100.

There's no need to request payout as once you reached the minimum cashout of $10 at the end of the month, it will automatically send to your paypal on the 15th day of the month.

To start discussion after registration in mylot, just visit the new discussion board or add your interest and once you click any of those interest then you will see other member's topic for your to respond with. They also offer rewards if you use their search button or if someone choose your response as one of the best response to their topic.

(Click image for bigger view)

Power of Katialis

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I've been suffering foot allergy for five years and been into different dermatologist for the treatment of my allergy, though the ointment they prescribed was very good and totally healed my allergy but after a month the allergy comes back like nothing happened thats why i keep on going to dermatologist for new prescription which is very expensive.

Now that im pregnant, im not allowed to use any ointment due to chemical that might not safe for my baby so i have no choose but to just let my allergy untreated, suddenly it scattered  to  my hands and neck and i was thinking that if im not going to do something then at the end of my pregnancy there might be a possibility that i it will cover almost my whole body since its summer and worst is its very itchy.

Then, one of my friend advised me to use katialis as a temporary remedy for itching. At first i seems of not to like the smell of the product and i dont even used it for few days. But worst become worst as i really have no choice but to use it one night. I used it for 3 consecutive days and on the fourth day i was amaze coz the allergy in my neck starting to disappear, so i continued using it and after a week my hands are also cleared from allergy.

Now i've been using it for almost a month and my foot allergy is no longer visible, not even itchy. So im glad i used it and i wish it will totally clear all my skin allergy and will never come back.

Speaking of the cost, Ointment cost me almost 300 peso while Kaliatis is only 20 peso. 

I can recommend this product to all pregnant women out there. this product is also good to dry pimples and other skin allergies.